GenAI overview:

From hands-on GenAI today into a neuro-inspired future

AI+X summit: GenAI track
Oct 4, 2024
contact_qr.png Philipp Denzel, Benjamin Grewe

Slides on my website


Who Am I? - Philipp Denzel

  • trained physicist, turned ML researcher
  • research scientist at the Centre of Artificial Intelligence at ZHAW
    • generative DL models for radio astronomy (Swiss SKAO)
    • technical certification of AI systems (certAInty)
  • like to tinker with computers and bleeding-edge technology




  1. The Magic of Generative AI (GenAI)
  2. GenAI Tools
  3. Image generation
  4. Video generation
  5. GenAI ?= AGI

What is Generative AI?

  • Quote Arthur C. Clarke's third adage:

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

What is Generative AI?

  • method to (re-)create original content
  • an immensely useful tool!

In fact, this presentation was almost exclusively created with GenAI tools*!

\(*\) through reveal.js code generation prompting using

LLMs at home with Ollama

  • Ollama installs and runs open-source models
  • on various hardware with
    • Quantization: lower bit float representation
    • LoRA: efficient method to update weights

Screenshot on 24/10/02

Context learning

Credit: ML6

GenAI tools

There's an AI for that

Image generation

Stable Diffusion fails at writing and hands


  • Prompt: "Futuristic background including an astronaut and planets with "AI+X 2024" on a large banner"

FAST.1 is faster and more accurate


  • Prompt: "Futuristic background including an astronaut and planets with "AI+X 2024" on a large banner"

Audio generation

  • Music generation: Suno, Udio,, …
    • collapses to stereo-typical genres without detailed prompts
    • with lyrics explicit content at times
    • "A background track fitting for a conference on Generative AI"

"Rise of the Machines" by

Audio generation

  • Sound generation: Meta's AudioCraft

    • "Audience chatting before a speech by a scientist
      until an authoritative person loudly yells "silence" in a deep voice."
  • Speech generation: ElevenLabs

    • Voice created through prompt: "Move Philipp Denzel's register towards a male tenor, and make it slightly more nasal. The voice should speak relatively slowly, and pronounce words well."

Video generation with Sora

  • Prompt: New York City submerged like Atlantis. Fish, whales, sea turtles and sharks swim through the streets of New York.

… but sometimes has issues with physics

  • Prompt: New York City submerged like Atlantis. Fish, whales, sea turtles and sharks swim through the streets of New York.

Deep Fakes?

GenAI ?= AGI

  • main traits of AGI: reason, knowledge, common sense, plan, efficient learning
  • Use Turing test:
    • an interrogator (C) and two witnesses
    • one witness is a machine (A), the other is human (B)
    • human witness helps the interrogator
    • machine witness tries to confuse the interrogator

Credit: Juan Alberto Sánchez Margallo/Wikimedia Commons

Turing test on GPT-4 with children

  • performed early 2024 at University of Zurich
  • by colleagues at the Institute for Computational Science (Julian Adamek, Prasenjit Saha)
  • Moderator
    • prompts the LLM instructions in advance
    • relais the questions and answers
    • rejects questions on recent news
  • two session with multiple rounds
    • an adult with limited exposure to LLMs
    • a group of school children

Turing test reimagined (AI-generated with FLUX.1-schnell)

Turing test on GPT-4 with children

  • Results:
    • children need only a single question to identify the machine
    • the adult a bit longer but still has high accuracy
    • children say:

"ChatGPT doesn't speak like a human, but is still a great tool to do homework…"

  • PhD student jokingly concludes:

"The AI apocalypse is not (yet) imminent then…"

Lessons Learned

  • current state of GenAI components enable many applications
  • performance is amazing at times
  • but inaccurate and limited in more complex tasks
  • How can we move forward?

References, Links, and Credits

Created by phdenzel.